Gradient Descent: A Guided Tour of Machine Learning

Tech & Tales
4 min readSep 12, 2023


In the vast landscape of machine learning, algorithms often act as explorers, traversing the terrain of data to reach the peaks of optimal solutions. One such method, gradient descent, serves as a trusty guide for climbing the mountains of optimization problems. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to understand the mathematics behind gradient descent and explore its critical role in machine learning. We will also see how gradient descent can be applied to real-world problems.

Understanding the Basics

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that is used to find the minimum of a function. It works by iteratively moving in the direction of the steepest descent, until it reaches a local minimum. The gradient of a function is a vector that points in the direction of the steepest ascent. In other words, it is the direction in which the function is increasing the fastest.

Gradient descent works by taking steps in the direction of the negative gradient. This means that it is moving in the direction of the steepest descent. The steps are typically taken in a small amount, which is called the learning rate. The learning rate controls how quickly the algorithm converges to a minimum.

Mathematical Foundation

Let’s start with the mathematical foundation of Gradient Descent. The core idea is to update a set of parameters iteratively to minimize a given cost function. Here’s the general process:

  1. Define a Cost Function: In machine learning, we often have a cost function (or loss function) denoted as J(θ), where θ represents the model’s parameters.
  2. Calculate the Gradient: Compute the gradient of the cost function with respect to the model’s parameters. The gradient is a vector that points in the direction of the steepest increase of the cost function.

3. Update Parameters: Adjust the model’s parameters in the opposite direction of the gradient. This step aims to reach the minimum of the cost function.

Here, α is the learning rate, a hyperparameter that controls the step size in each iteration.

4. Iterate: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a stopping criterion is met, such as a maximum number of iterations or when the change in the cost function becomes negligible.

Gradient Descent Variants

There are several variants of Gradient Descent, including:

  1. Batch Gradient Descent: Computes the gradient of the cost function using the entire training dataset in each iteration.
  2. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): Uses only one randomly selected data point in each iteration, making it faster but more noisy.
  3. Mini-Batch Gradient Descent: Strikes a balance between Batch and SGD by using a small random subset (mini-batch) of the training data in each iteration.

Example: Linear Regression

Let’s illustrate Gradient Descent with a simple example of Linear Regression. In Linear Regression, we aim to minimize the Mean Squared Error (MSE) cost function:


  • m is the number of data points.
  • ​(x^(i)) is the predicted value for data point i.
  • y^(i) is the actual target value for data point i.
  • θ represents the model’s parameters.

The update step in Gradient Descent for Linear Regression becomes:

This formula updates each parameter θj​ simultaneously in each iteration.

Real-World Examples of Gradient Descent

Gradient descent is used in a wide variety of machine learning applications. Some examples include:

  1. Spam filtering: Gradient descent can be used to train a model to identify spam emails.
  2. Fraud detection: Gradient descent can be used to train a model to identify fraudulent transactions.
  3. Medical diagnosis: Gradient descent can be used to train a model to diagnose diseases.
  4. Customer segmentation: Gradient descent can be used to segment customers into different groups.
  5. Product recommendations: Gradient descent can be used to recommend products to customers.


Gradient Descent is a fundamental optimization algorithm that empowers many machine learning algorithms. Understanding its mathematical underpinnings and practical applications is essential for anyone diving into the field of machine learning. Whether you’re training linear regression models or deep neural networks, Gradient Descent serves as a trusty companion on the journey to finding optimal solutions in the vast landscape of data-driven decision-making.



Tech & Tales
Tech & Tales

Written by Tech & Tales

AI enthusiast intrigued by brainy algorithms and smart machines. Also a book lover lost in incredible stories. 🤖📚 #TechAndTales

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