Navigating the Path to Understanding Decision Trees in Machine Learning

Tech & Tales
5 min readSep 9, 2023

In the ever-expanding world of machine learning, Decision Trees stand as one of the most interpretable and widely used algorithms. These tree-like structures are not only fundamental in their own right but also serve as building blocks for more complex models. In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the algorithmic magic behind Decision Trees, explore their applications, and understand their pivotal role in the realm of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Decision Tree Algorithm

At its essence, a Decision Tree is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. The core idea behind Decision Trees is to partition the data into subsets, eventually arriving at a decision or prediction.

Tree Structure: Imagine a tree, with each node representing a decision or test on a feature variable, and each branch leading to one of the possible outcomes. The final leaves of the tree represent the predicted target values.

Tree Construction: The algorithm builds the tree by repeatedly splitting the data based on feature attributes. It chooses the feature that best separates the data into distinct classes or reduces the overall variance (in the case of regression).

Choosing the Best Split: To decide the best feature to split on, Decision Trees employ various criteria, with two common ones being:

  • Gini Impurity: Measures the probability of misclassifying a randomly chosen element.
  • Entropy: Measures the level of disorder or impurity in a set of data.

Recursive Process: The tree-building process is recursive. At each node, the algorithm selects the feature that best separates the data and creates child nodes. This process continues until a stopping criterion is met, such as reaching a maximum depth or having a minimum number of data points in a node.

Tree Pruning: Decision Trees can be prone to overfitting, capturing noise in the data. Tree pruning techniques are employed to simplify the tree and improve its generalization.

Example: Loan Approval

Imagine a bank wants to build a Decision Tree to automate the approval process for loan applications. The bank uses two features: “Credit Score” and “Income Level” to determine whether to approve or deny a loan application.

Here’s a simplified decision tree:

If Credit Score >= 700:
If Income Level >= $50,000:
Predict "Approve"
Predict "Deny"
Predict "Deny"

Now, let’s break down how this decision tree works mathematically:

  1. Entropy and Information Gain:

We start with the entropy of the original dataset, which represents the uncertainty in loan approvals:


We calculate the information gain for each feature (Credit Score and Income Level) to determine the best feature for the root node.

Information Gain (IG) for Credit Score:


Information Gain (IG) for Income Level:

IG(Income Level) = H(D) — [p(IL >= $50,000) * H(IL >= $50,000) + p(IL < $50,000) * H(IL < $50,000)]

We choose the feature with the highest information gain as the root node.

2. Splitting Nodes:

In this example, the tree splits based on Credit Score and Income Level. We calculate the entropy of each branch, considering whether Credit Score is greater than or equal to 700 or less than 700, and whether Income Level is greater than or equal to $50,000 or less than $50,000.

3. Leaf Nodes:

The leaf nodes represent the final decision: “Approve” or “Deny.” For example, in the “If Credit Score >= 700” and “If Income Level >= $50,000” branch, we calculate the probability of “Approve” or “Deny” based on the training data.

4. Pruning:

Decision Trees can become complex and prone to overfitting. Pruning may be applied to simplify the tree and enhance its generalization.

This example demonstrates how a Decision Tree can be used to automate loan approval decisions based on Credit Score and Income Level. The mathematical principles involve calculations of entropy, information gain, and conditional probabilities at each node to determine the optimal splits and final classifications. Decision Trees provide a transparent and interpretable way to make decisions in various domains, including finance.

Applications in Machine Learning and AI

Decision Trees find applications in a wide array of fields:

  1. Classification: They are commonly used for classification tasks, such as spam email detection, sentiment analysis, and disease diagnosis.
  2. Regression: Decision Trees can be employed for regression problems, including predicting house prices, stock market trends, and weather forecasting.
  3. Feature Selection: Decision Trees assist in feature selection by ranking features based on their importance in the tree structure.
  4. Interpretability: They offer a high degree of interpretability, making them valuable for explaining decisions made by machine learning models.
  5. Ensemble Learning: Decision Trees serve as the building blocks for ensemble methods like Random Forests and Gradient Boosting, which enhance prediction accuracy.

Advantages of Decision Trees

  1. Interpretability: Decision Trees are easy to understand and explain, making them a valuable tool for stakeholders who require transparency in decision-making.
  2. No Feature Scaling: Unlike some algorithms, Decision Trees don’t require feature scaling, making them robust to different feature types.
  3. Handling Non-linearity: Decision Trees can model complex, non-linear relationships between variables.
  4. Handling Missing Values: They can handle datasets with missing values by choosing the most appropriate feature to split on.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Overfitting: Decision Trees can easily overfit noisy data. Pruning techniques and setting constraints are necessary to mitigate this issue.
  2. Bias Towards Dominant Classes: In classification tasks with imbalanced classes, Decision Trees may be biased towards the dominant class.
  3. Instability: Small variations in the data can lead to different tree structures, making them somewhat unstable.
  4. Not Suitable for All Problems: Decision Trees might not perform well on problems with complex decision boundaries or require high precision.


Decision Trees are a fundamental tool in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, celebrated for their interpretability and versatility. Understanding the inner workings of this algorithm provides a solid foundation for exploring more complex models. While they come with their own set of challenges, Decision Trees continue to play a pivotal role in the ever-evolving landscape of data-driven decision-making, making them a valuable asset for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners in the field.



Tech & Tales
Tech & Tales

Written by Tech & Tales

AI enthusiast intrigued by brainy algorithms and smart machines. Also a book lover lost in incredible stories. 🤖📚 #TechAndTales

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