Why Activation Functions Are the Heartbeat of Neural Networks & When To Use Which Activation Function

Tech & Tales
5 min readOct 17, 2023

We often hear about the architecture, layers, and training methods of neural networks. Still, one unsung hero in this narrative is the activation function. It’s a critical component that essentially decides whether a neuron should be “fired” or not. In this blog, we’ll dig deep into what activation functions are, the different types, and why they’re crucial in neural networks.

What is an Activation Function?

Imagine a neural network as a multi-tiered decision-making system. Each neuron processes the input, performs some computation, and decides what information should pass forward. That decision-making process is conducted by the activation function.

In mathematical terms, an activation function takes the weighted sum of all the inputs and produces an output, which will then be used as input for the next layer.

Why Are Activation Functions Important?

Without activation functions, neural networks would be far less powerful. Essentially, the activation function introduces non-linearity into the system, allowing it to learn complex relationships between variables. Without this, the network would merely be a linear regressor, incapable of handling intricate tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and many others.

Types of Activation Functions

Let’s explore the most commonly used types:

Sigmoid Function

Sigmoid squashes the values between 0 and 1. It’s one of the earliest activation functions used in neural networks. While it’s less popular now due to issues like vanishing gradients, it’s still useful for binary classification problems.

Hyperbolic Tangent (Tanh) Function

Tanh is quite similar to Sigmoid but ranges from -1 to 1, making it zero-centered, which helps mitigate the vanishing gradient problem to some extent.

Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)

ReLU has become the go-to activation function for many types of neural networks. It replaces all negative values in the output with zero and keeps positive values as is. It helps to accelerate training but can suffer from “dying ReLU” where neurons get stuck during training.

Leaky ReLU

A variant of ReLU, Leaky ReLU allows a small, non-zero gradient for negative input values. This can help prevent the “dying ReLU” problem.


Commonly used in the output layer for multi-class classification problems, Softmax converts the raw output into probabilities.

Choosing the Right Activation Function

Firstly, identify what type of problem you’re solving:

  1. Classification: Are you categorizing input into two or more classes?
  2. Regression: Or are you trying to predict a continuous value?
  3. Other Complex Tasks: Are you tackling advanced topics like reinforcement learning or generative models?

Binary Classification

For binary classification problems, the Sigmoid activation function can be suitable, especially for the output layer.

Example: Let’s say you’re building a model to predict if an email is spam (1) or not spam (0). The Sigmoid function would be ideal for the output layer because it squashes values between 0 and 1, making it easier to interpret the output as probabilities.

Multi-Class Classification

For problems where there are more than two classes, Softmax is often used in the output layer.

Example: Suppose you’re developing a neural network to recognize handwritten digits (0 through 9). In this case, using a Softmax function in the output layer would convert the raw output to probabilities, making it easier to classify the input into one of the 10 digit classes.

Regression Problems

For regression problems, a linear activation function or no activation function is often used in the output layer. You might also see ReLU being used in the hidden layers.

Example: If you’re building a network to predict house prices, a linear activation function in the output layer would be a good choice because house prices can range from very low to very high, and a linear function won’t restrict the output.

General-Purpose / Hidden Layers

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) is often the default choice for hidden layers due to its efficiency during the training phase. However, be aware of its limitations, such as the “dying ReLU” problem where neurons can sometimes get stuck during training. Variants like Leaky ReLU or Parametric ReLU can mitigate this problem.

Example: In a complex task like image recognition, using ReLU in the hidden layers can help the network train faster without saturating the neurons, making it a popular choice for deep neural networks.

Special Cases

Sometimes, the choice of activation function can be influenced by the type of data or specific requirements of a task. For example, Tanh could be a better fit if your data distribution is approximately centered around zero.

Example: In some types of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), Tanh is preferred because it centers the data, making it easier for the model to learn long-range dependencies.

Combining Different Types

You can also use different activation functions in the same neural network depending on the layer and the task each layer is performing.

Example: In a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification, you might use ReLU for the convolutional and fully connected layers, and then use a Softmax activation function in the output layer for class probabilities.


Activation functions play a pivotal role in the success of neural networks. They bring the element of non-linearity, enabling the network to learn from the error and make adjustments, which is crucial for complex problem-solving. Understanding the nuances of different activation functions can help you make more informed decisions when designing your neural networks.



Tech & Tales

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